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Stock Market Basics

The stock market is a complex and confusing entity. On this page, you can find links to some of the most important stock, options, and trading concepts. The list starts with with most basic and necessary information to trade stocks and then works its way up to more complex ideas such as selling options. If you have any other questions you would like to see an article about, email us at and make sure to join our email list to hear when your question is answered! 


What are stocks?

Stocks are the most basic investing instrument, but how do they actually work? 

Stock Market Data


Advanced Stock Concepts

Once you have a good understanding of stock basics, click here to learn more advanced stock concepts.

Image by PiggyBank


What are options?

One of the most used financial derivative by retail investors (that's you!) 

Trading Graphs on Computer Monitor


Advanced Option Strategies

Once you understand the basics behind options, click here to learn more advanced stock concepts.

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